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Ground Bees

When I first heard of ITera Care, I heard that my friend helped her nephew who had hurt his ankle and it was really swollen. She said she blew it on there and the swelling went down. About a week after that I hurt my foot and it felt broken from harvesting our grape vineyard and standing on my feet too long. I called her to see if I could borrow it and see if it would help my foot. After I went to get it, I went back to harvesting more grapes and I thought I could do it afterward, when I stepped into a ground bee nest. I got stung pretty bad, my ankle was the worst of it. I tried baking soda and then vinegar, but it was still really badluyhurting and burning. Then I thought to try the iTera Care and I did the protocol of the hands and feet after drinking the water. It began to feel better after about 10 min of using it and I did about 20 minutes on my foot and ankle. There was no more pain or burning the rest of the day. The next day I had been on my feet and had a sock on in my shoes. My ankle looked swollen and red still and I started to get some pain and burning again. I did the protocol again the same way and no pain or burning. By the third day you could not tell I had been stung at all, no redness, no swelling, it only hurt if I pushed on the spot. The fourth day completely healed without having to do any more protocol. Other family members have been stung by these ground bees and it can take a month and even more before the pain, burning and swelling goes away.

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