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Tendonitis and Plantar Fasciitis- Using Bio Lite

I had suffered in my feet, ankles and calves for years with tendonitis and could not get out of bed and walk without wobbling back and forth until the tendons could warm up or loosen. If I sat in a chair for a couple of hours watching a movie, I also could not walk well. My balance had gotten to be very poor and I was only in my 50’s. I couldn’t stand and put on my socks or pants without holding onto something or sitting down. I began to worry about falling if I tripped over something as my tendons were not trustworthy.

I stretched every morning just to get my feet and legs warmed up enough to walk. This had gone on for 7-8 years at least. My feet had so much pain all the time, that I could not walk without shoes and the shoes had to give enough cushion but still support. They were so painful. I tried to use the roller ball, massage, ointments, I had tried everything supplementally, with other devices, with several Chiropractors and massage therapists and NOTHING had ever helped the tendons or plantar fasciitis. I also had inflamed tendons in my hands and if I used them too much in a day, like crafting or gardening, I was in pain for 2 days. I had stopped trying everything due to the cost and no results.

With using the Biolite on 6-8 for 30 minutes once a day, I no longer feel Plantar Fasciitis in my feet, nor do I have to stretch to get my feet, ankles and calves to get them working in order to walk. My balance is no longer an issue and I can put on my pants and socks while standing. I have tripped and completely kept balance a few times since the Biolite and been thrilled to know I have good balance. I no longer suffer from tendonitis or plantar fasciitis and have literally gone without shoes baking and cleaning my house with no pain at all. I have not changed anything else except using the Biolite. It has truly changed my life!

-Rita Zimmerman

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